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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Lovely Influence

Every Christian gets his lovely thoughts from God. (Psalms 139:17) Our thoughts should be the same as God’s. Then and only then can we see what God considers to be lovely. The loveliest thing in this world is God. The wicked have not thought of or about God. (Psalms 10:4) It is the love we learn from God that motivates us to think lovely thoughts. (I Cor. 13:4, 5) When we allow God to direct our thoughts it becomes intensely difficult to dwell on the wicked things of this world. How amazing is God! He even directs your thoughts away from this cruel corrupt world and points them to what is truly lovely.                                                                     ...

Lovely Thoughts

We all have a different idea of what lovely is. In a recent Bible class I went around the room and took a survey asking them to “Name something that you think is lovely.” I got everything from a red velvet dress to a summer beach sunset. Paul emphasizes in Philippians 4:4-9 the idea of what is lovely.  We are to think lovely thoughts. What we think in our hearts is who we are. (Prov. 23:7a) That’s the key. We are to consider the works of God. (Psalms 8:3; 19:1) Creation is God’s. We can look around and see this wonderful world and its magnificent beauty. That kind of thoughts is what Paul is talking about. Are you seeing what is lovely in what God has made and done?

Purity & Heaven

Purity of heart and pure religion will get us to eternal life. Let us make sure we are seeking purity in our lives in every area. The pure in heart shall see God. (Matt. 5:8) Let us all seek to see God. That is our goal on this earth. We must become pure, stay pure, and offer up spiritual sacrifices. Do not let the world convince you otherwise.