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Showing posts from January, 2020

Obedient (John 14:15)

It has always perplexed me that a parent desires a level of obedience from their children that they refuse to give to God. Children are taught to obey. They must to stay alive. Many of our rules we enforce are about safety. We have rules to follow for them to be healthy. We have rules to follow for them to be a good citizen. We have rules that are for their benefit and they must obey them. God does the same thing for us. (John 8:31-32; James 1:25; 2 Thess. 1:8)  Perhaps, we should obey Him as our children obey us.                        

The Humility of a Child - (Matt. 5:5; 18:4)

Humility is not self-derogation. Humility is not self-exaltation. Humility is putting another before yourself.  It is being understanding of self worth but not considering yourself better than others. Children cannot see their own greatness but the greatness of others. That is why parents and family need to encourage them. They learn their value from us. We learn our value from God. (John 3:16) This does not elevate us but helps us to understand that we need to lift others up always. We also need to get out of the way. There is no room in God’s kingdom for the prideful.                                   

Desire What Is Right (Matt. 5:6)

Children desire to do what is right. They do all they can to be good and please those who are over them. We need to do the same thing in Christ. Christ is righteous. (1 John 2:1) We are clothed in Him and He is in us. (Gal. 3:27; 1 Cor. 3:16) We are to live and be just like He was on earth. (1 John 2:6) We need to seek what is right always. (Rom. 6:19) We need to understand that we are indebted to God in Christ to not only do what is right but desire what is right. That very desire is what caused us to obey the word. Seek what is right to please God.