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Showing posts from March, 2020

My True Love

Church, we either love God or we hate Him. We either love sin or we hate it. We know which side we stand on by which one we choose to serve. It is impossible to serve two masters. You will always love one and hate the other. Whose servant are you? Does your work and fruit reflect that?   (Luke 16:13)                                                                                                                                          ...

The Servant of Servants

  Jesus was a servant of servants. He washed the feet of the apostles. He was trying to explain to them, as He is to us, that we are to be servants. We are not to elevate ourselves at any time. We have no right or authority to make ourselves better than others. We have every right to make ourselves a servant to all. (John 13:1-17) Those who do right and as God says while Christ is away are the faithful and wise servants. It is easy to play while the Master is away. It takes a true servant to continue to serve while no one is there to hold him accountable. Always remember when Christ, our Master, comes back everyone will receive their due wages. Are you working while you wait? (Matt. 24:45-51)                                                  ...

Have Mercy

      We are never in a place where we are merciless. We have been shown so much mercy by our Master. We need to make sure we express the same mercy to our fellow servants. We are not above another in any way, shape, or form. We simply have duties and roles to perform. (Matthew 18:21-35) Judgment is wrong. We can righteously judge. That is, we can evaluate others' lives based on the word and go to their aid when they are struggling. However, the final judgment call is by our Master. God makes that ruling on judgment day. Be careful lest you be found making the final judgment on someone. (Romans 14:4)