“Let love be without
hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good”
Romans 12:9
Romans 12:9
Our love should be without segregation by race, creed, wealth, or male or female. Christ does not see such things as warranting different amounts of love (Gal. 3:26-29). We need to love each other. We also need to love everyone. Christ did (Rm. 5:8; Lk. 19:20).
Hypocrisy is saying one thing and doing another. That’s seeking our own glory (Matt. 23: 1-12). That’s what the Pharisee did (Matt. 23:13-36). Our love for others should not be about seeking our own glory. Our love should not be hypocritical.
We need to abhor what is evil. Abhor means the most extreme hatred that one can have (Psalm 119:104). We are to cling to what is good. Clinging is the strongest devotion one can have.
We are to abhor one extreme only to cling to the other extreme. That makes abhorring and clinging the same virtue in this case. They both are strong words on the same side.
We are to be in the light as He is in the light(1 John 1:1-10).
Do you love without hypocrisy?
Do you abhor what is evil?
Do you cling to what is good?
Do you make acceptations to fit your feelings?
What needs to change?
What needs to be strengthened?
Do you love without hypocrisy?
Do you abhor what is evil?
Do you cling to what is good?
Do you make acceptations to fit your feelings?
What needs to change?
What needs to be strengthened?
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