Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.
Romans 12:17
Don’t seek to get even. I know it can be hard sometimes to curve our tongue or hold back that free knuckle sandwich. It's not up to us to get even. God is the one who takes care of vengeance (Rm. 12:19). When we jump in the fire and starting fighting with fire we are no better than the offender. Seek to do good to all (Gal. 6:10).
Christ makes it very clear in Matthew chapter 6 what we needed to do. In fact in verses 38-42 He paints a vibrant picture of what our actions should be in the face of offence. He says to turn your cheek, give him your cloak and go the second mile. We don't need to be aggressive in our response. We need to seek to serve. With that service you are stealing their passion for offending you. You will heap burning coals on their head (Rm. 12:20).
Christ makes it very clear in Matthew chapter 6 what we needed to do. In fact in verses 38-42 He paints a vibrant picture of what our actions should be in the face of offence. He says to turn your cheek, give him your cloak and go the second mile. We don't need to be aggressive in our response. We need to seek to serve. With that service you are stealing their passion for offending you. You will heap burning coals on their head (Rm. 12:20).
Think on that today and ask your self "How can I do good to those around me?". We to often let good deeds go undone so that we can accomplish our wants. Many times that drive is how we end up in such a volatile mood. That mood makes us willing to fight fire with fire at the drop of a hat.
What good can you do to another today?
What vengeance do you need to let go?
What do you need to work on?
Where do you need to grow?
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