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The concept of being carefree is often ridiculed. Often times it is the lack of ability to understand a carefree mindset that brings on such persecution. Christians are to exemplify what it means to be carefree in our lives. We have something greater than us to handle the cares of this world.

It is often the simple things in this life that cause most of our anxieties. Things like food, clothes, housing, work, and money can easily cause great destress for us. (Matt. 6:31-32) We are told to make known our request to God. Through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we need to go to God with our concerns. (Phil. 4:6) If we don’t then those things will take over. Those types of worries are the thorns that took over the seed in the parable of the sower. (Mk. 4:18-19) That is why Martha was rebuked. She was troubled over the things of this world and not the truth. (Lk. 10:38-42) We must be careful and not let such cares rule our lives. God did not intend such things to govern our lives. When they do there is no room for God. What is more important to you, your cares or God?

We should not have worldly cares. We have the Lord as our shepherd. (Psalm 23) Paul was able to walk carefree for he knew who he believed in. (2 Tim. 1:12) We have Christ as our good shepherd and we know He will take care of us. We know we can cast our cares upon Him.  We can cast all our cares on Him. (1 Pet. 5:7) We must or they will take us over. When we cast our cares on Him and do not lose heart we will keep them at bay. Sometimes it is hard to just throw your cares up to God. Sometimes your cares get so entrenched in your life you cannot seem to get rid of them with a simple prayer.  Let us depend on God and let God take care of us. We need to let God rule our lives. When we do the cares of this world cannot get a foot hold in our lives.

There are cares that are to be in our lives. These cares are very different than what the world tries to burden us with.  We are to care for one another. (1 Cor. 12:25-26) We are to care for the body of Christ. We are to care for all the congregations that make up that body. (2 Cor. 11:28) We are to be burdened with the constant desire to maintain good works. (Titus 3:8). We are to make sure and care that our charitable deeds are not done seeking man’s approval. These cares are godly cares. These cares come from living in Christ. These cares are born from having the mind of Christ. (Phil. 2:5-11)

We are carefree but not careless. We have cares. We have the wonderful God given cares to fill our lives. The positive cares keep us focused and motivated. They should not make us anxious or cause worry. God is over it all. God is in control. Pray and cast your burdens on Him. Let God take over and remove those nasty thorns from your life. Keep seeking Christ and be full of godly cares.


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