We often overlook the concept of justice. Justice is a very serious topic that should be in our daily thoughts. Justice is a part of the weightier matters of the law. (Matt. 23:23) Justice deserves a seat in our mind right along side mercy and faith. The just shall live by faith. (Heb. 10:38; Hab. 2:4b) The faithful are just. If faith and being just go hand-in-hand then why do we neglect justice? The one whom we serve and owe our life as a debt is called the “Just One.” (Acts 7:52) Let us daily think on justice.
“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27). It would be best if you worked on creating in your mind mental structures for success. A study was done where two basketball teams had to shoot free throws. One group went out and shot 100 free throws with something life 30% accuracy. The second group had sat for 30 minutes and visualized making a perfect free throw 100 times. That team went out and shot 100 free throws with 75% accuracy. What is the difference? The mental structure. You can do the same. Paul said, “I discipline my body, I seek to please God.” Just like Paul, we must get in our heads what we will do to be successful in Christ. Work to create Godly mental structures. ...
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