see reputations being destroyed and made every day in this country. Some new
things, like social media, have made it harder to have a good reputation. Some
new things, like social media, have made it easier. We live our lives in glass
houses more now than ever. The only problem is we have taken down all the
mirrors. We must check ourselves and evaluate our reputation. We need to make
sure we have a good report among all we meet. Don’t fret. A good report is easy
to have if you devote yourself to the Lord. Let us seek to be like Demetrius.
John said he had a good testimony. (3 John 12)
Think on what is lovely. Let God direct your mind to what is truly lovely in this world. At the very least that tree, flower, and blade of grass that He made and you saw today is lovely. Let Him influence your thoughts every day until you think on what God considers lovely. Then dwell on those things. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. (Col. 3:16) There will be an overflow of lovely thoughts pour from your mind. Think about how encouraging to others that would be. Think lovely thoughts.
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