I changed, did you? We all did. Change is not a bad thing. We came to know Christ, God’s son, who died for us. This sorrow produced the desire and action to change, repent. Then we obeyed the gospel and became new. (2 Cor. 7:10; Rom. 6:4) What I left behind and shed from my life was of no value. We are to lay aside malice. We should be void of all deceit. Our lives should not have any hypocrisy. Bitterness should end and forgiveness freely poured forth. Envy has become a thing of the past. Also, we lay down all evil speaking. (1 Pet. 2:1) Much more is done away with. (Gal. 5:19-21) I mention these things, so we can note how much has changed. I continue to change and go through this process every day. If this list along with much more has not been released from your life are you living right? Are you God’s child? Never stop changing and growing!
“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27). It would be best if you worked on creating in your mind mental structures for success. A study was done where two basketball teams had to shoot free throws. One group went out and shot 100 free throws with something life 30% accuracy. The second group had sat for 30 minutes and visualized making a perfect free throw 100 times. That team went out and shot 100 free throws with 75% accuracy. What is the difference? The mental structure. You can do the same. Paul said, “I discipline my body, I seek to please God.” Just like Paul, we must get in our heads what we will do to be successful in Christ. Work to create Godly mental structures. ...
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