2 Peter 1:7
A Christian grace is kindness. However, we need to make sure we do not swap kindness for niceness. Niceness is being in such a way that you are pleasant to those around you. Kindness does not always equal that. A drug addict may not think its kind of you to put them into rehab. Yet that is the more kind and caring thing you can do. As Christian’s our love is to be kind. We are to be kindly affectionate to one another (Romans 12:10). We are to be kind to unkind people (1 Peter 2:18-20). God says that level of kindness is commendable. Even to our enemies we are to show kindness (Luke 6:35). The Proverbs 31 woman had a tongue that was the law of kindness. Look at the strongest brotherly example we have, David and Jonathan. Their love provoked a covenant that kindness was to always be shown (1 Samuel 20:14-17). We need to have this kind of kind love toward one another and the lost.
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