Now day’s it seems the world revolves around marketed themed ideas. Especially these most recent generations in the church. They seem to have their faith bond by these trends. Anything from coffee and Comfort Color tee’s to Chaco’s, Eno’s and tattoos. Yet God’s word and faith has nothing to do with any of that. I suppose it has been this way for generations. Just look in the church. What is consider “nice church cloths” shows its extreme variants every Sunday morning. Somehow, John the Baptist, a mountain man of sorts for is his time, was still able to do God’s work. Wearing camel hair, a leather belt around his waist and eating locusts and wild honey he prepared the way for Christ. (Matt. 3:4) John the Baptist did not command that you had to dress like him to follow Christ. He did not set any trends in fashion or marketable ideas either. I have yet to see in scripture that those...
Digging Deep Once a Week