Now day’s it seems the world revolves around
marketed themed ideas. Especially these most recent generations in the church.
They seem to have their faith bond by these trends. Anything from coffee and
Comfort Color tee’s to Chaco’s, Eno’s and tattoos. Yet God’s word and faith has
nothing to do with any of that. I suppose it has been this way for generations.
Just look in the church. What is consider “nice church cloths” shows its
extreme variants every Sunday morning.
Somehow, John the Baptist, a mountain man of sorts for is his time, was
still able to do God’s work. Wearing camel hair, a leather belt around his
waist and eating locusts and wild honey he prepared the way for Christ. (Matt.
3:4) John the Baptist did not command that you had to dress like him to follow
Christ. He did not set any trends in fashion or marketable ideas either.
I have yet to see in scripture that those who repented and turned to God
mimicked his style. We can even go as far to look at the examples of faithful
children of God in Hebrews 11. They wandered in sheepskins and goatskins, being
destitute, afflicted, and tormented. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in
dens and caves of the earth. It was said that the world was not worthy of them.
(Heb. 11: 37b-38) Still God never required us to take on such a façade or style
to be His. In fact, all these mentioned did not start out that way. The life
they chose to live for God brought them to that point.
Christianity is not about getting a tattoo to mimic the scars of Paul or
a manmade image that represents Christianity. It’s not about wearing the
sandals that Christ wore. It’s not about walking everywhere Christ stepped.
It’s not about wearing the garb or having the social/cultural structure of
biblical times. It is about delighting in the perfect law of liberty. (Rom. 7:22; Jam. 1:25) It is walking just as
Christ walked in obedience to the father and His commands. (1 John 2:6; Matt.
28:20; Matt. 26:39; Heb. 5:8-9) It is about self-denial, self-sacrifice, and
following Christ. (Luke 9:23) In the end it is all about whether or not you did
what Christ said. (Rev. 20:11-15) That
is the whole of man. (Ecc. 12:13-14)
When we make Christianity about styles,
themes, popular phrases or teachings, and any other cultural trend it is no
longer about God. It’s about us. Why is that? God said nothing about those
things. He actually said the contrary. In fact, he said not to be like the
world. (Rm. 12:2) So, we must be careful to not present Christianity to others
in such manners. Also, we need to be mindful that our Christian walk does not
become about these outward marketed Christian appearances. That it does not be
come about us.
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