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Entertaining Angels

“distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.”
    Romans 12:13

       We are stewards of God. We need to distribute what God blessed us with. We need to do it especially for the saints that are in need. 
Don’t wait to be asked, seek opportunities to be hospitable.

      A great distinction of Christianity is our concern for the needy. No man is truly genuine in his walk who does not exhibit that quality of character (James 1:27).  We need to seek to be hospitable to strangers (1 Tim. 5:10).  

      By being hospitable to strangers some have entertained angels (Heb. 13:2). That could be reference to Abraham and Lot (Gen. 18:1; Gen. 19:1). Not that that should be a reason for our hospitality but it should provoke an understanding of watchfulness in hospitality.  Although many may go away served giving back nothing more than a thank you, there are some that are a blessing and honor to the host.

      He who has pity on the pour lends to the Lord. The Lord will pay back what is given (Proverbs 19:17). When we live and give in this manner we do it unto Him (Matt. 25:31-46). 

  Do you seek to distribute to the needs of those in the body?

Are you hospitable to both the brethren and strangers?

Are being a steward of God and giving you blessings?

Who can you serve today?


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