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The Virtuous Life

           We need to seek behavior that shows high moral standards. I hear, see, and read a lot about how people are trying to skirt the perfect law of liberty. (James 1:25) This is not the virtuous life God desires for us. We should be striving to be perfect. That means we need to be willing to understand what all a verse or verses encompasses. Then we can be sure to live right. Those that are virtuous meditate on what is true, just, noble, pure, lovely, and of good report. (Phil. 4:8) The world is the opposite. They run in the flood of dispensation. (I Pet. 4:4) Then they speak evil of us. Don’t give in and try to skirt the truth or compromise your virtue. Be virtuous.                                                 ...

My Reputation

Seek a good reputation by the life you live by faith. Let your manner of life be so good that when those that would speak evil of you cannot. (I Pet. 2:11-12) Not only will they not be able to speak against you but they will glorify God. Do not forget who you represent. Let your light so shine before men, that they see your good works and glorify God. (Mat. 5:16) Do not worry about what others say. A good reputation is not based on what others think or say, but it is based on the life you live. You live for God and the good report will come. Live carefully so you don’t find yourself creating a bad reputation. Always remember your reputation is either saving souls or condemning souls.                 

Evil Reports

There are things in this life we cannot control. According to others, Jesus was a glutton, wine babbler, and a friend of sinners and tax collectors. (Matt. 11:19) We cannot help what others say about us. We can simply live right by faith. The rest will take care of its self. We see this in the life of Christ. We must think on good reports. We need to let that captivate our minds lest we find ourselves pleasing the evil one. (2 Cor. 12:20) We live lives free from sin. (Rm. 6:7) Let us make sure to stay that way. (Rm. 6:1-4) Even then some will talk. I find it humorous that we never gossip about the good others do. I suppose there is no entertainment in that.                   

Bad Report

        Eli made sure to note that it was the bad report of his sons that was causing God’s people to transgress. A bad report can cause the destruction of another’s soul. Even a bad report with no truth to it can still cause damage. We must be sure not to gossip. (Lev. 19:16) Those “harmless” words you pass on could be destroying more than you know. Focus on the good that people do. Share the great things of others. Stay clear of the bad and refuse to gossip. Some live lives that generate a bad reputation. We don’t need to help them by talking about them. When you hear something bad about someone with a good reputation go talk to them. The odds are in their favor that it is not true. You may be saving them some grave heartache. Be sure to generate a good report about yourself by the way you live. Then you can lead people to the salvation of their souls instead of the destruction.  See Psalm 15-1-3.             ...


We must be sure to have a good reputation for we represent God. Every moment of your life should be spent showing Christ to the world. When we live right that will always happen. Those of good reputations were sought to serve the church. (Acts 6:3) Those who have a good testimony are sought to lead the church. (I Tim. 3:1, 7) Why? The church is the body of Christ. They represent Christ to all. Would you follow someone who did not have a godly good reputation? Neither would I. There is power and influence with such a reputation. That reputation is to be used to glorify God and do His work.

The Ingredient

Faith allows us to have a good report. (Heb. 11:1-2, 39) Faith is the reason we live the lives Christ desires. Faith is the reason you are reading this right now. Our faith in the Lord God is what drives us. The actions we take and choices we make based on our faith give us an honorable name among all. That is the test, isn’t it? That we have a good name, reputation, among all. Even the enemies of the cross can speak well of us. (Acts 22:12) Ananias didn’t go out of his way to be a people pleaser. His faith is what gave him his name. Let us live such a life of faith that we have a good reputation among all. For Jesus said “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” (Matt. 5:16)                                                                      ...

Good Reputation

We see reputations being destroyed and made every day in this country. Some new things, like social media, have made it harder to have a good reputation. Some new things, like social media, have made it easier. We live our lives in glass houses more now than ever. The only problem is we have taken down all the mirrors. We must check ourselves and evaluate our reputation. We need to make sure we have a good report among all we meet. Don’t fret. A good report is easy to have if you devote yourself to the Lord. Let us seek to be like Demetrius. John said he had a good testimony. (3 John 12)                               

My Thoughts

Think on what is lovely. Let God direct your mind to what is truly lovely in this world. At the very least that tree, flower, and blade of grass that He made and you saw today is lovely. Let Him influence your thoughts every day until you think on what God considers lovely. Then dwell on those things. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. (Col. 3:16) There will be an overflow of lovely thoughts pour from your mind. Think about how encouraging to others that would be. Think lovely thoughts.

Lovely Things

The world would consider our lovely thoughts absurd. They may never see the loveliness in them. We consider the death of our brothers and sisters in Christ as lovely, because God does. (Psalms 116:15) We can see the loveliness in it. The lovely part of it is they are no longer fighting this war and await their reward. We can also think of the good life and good deeds they had. (I Samuel 1:26) Paul, like we should also, had lovely thoughts of the brethren that partook in the grace of God. Paul had them in his heart. (Phil. 1:7) There is nothing lovelier than thinking on the partakers of the grace of God. We can think of things like someone being a true servant of the Lord. (Romans 16:1-2) Worshiping God is a lovely thought. (Psalms 122:1) The life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ on our behalf is a lovely thought we get to bask in every Lord’s day. (I Cor. 11:24-26)

The Lovely Influence

Every Christian gets his lovely thoughts from God. (Psalms 139:17) Our thoughts should be the same as God’s. Then and only then can we see what God considers to be lovely. The loveliest thing in this world is God. The wicked have not thought of or about God. (Psalms 10:4) It is the love we learn from God that motivates us to think lovely thoughts. (I Cor. 13:4, 5) When we allow God to direct our thoughts it becomes intensely difficult to dwell on the wicked things of this world. How amazing is God! He even directs your thoughts away from this cruel corrupt world and points them to what is truly lovely.                                                                     ...

Lovely Thoughts

We all have a different idea of what lovely is. In a recent Bible class I went around the room and took a survey asking them to “Name something that you think is lovely.” I got everything from a red velvet dress to a summer beach sunset. Paul emphasizes in Philippians 4:4-9 the idea of what is lovely.  We are to think lovely thoughts. What we think in our hearts is who we are. (Prov. 23:7a) That’s the key. We are to consider the works of God. (Psalms 8:3; 19:1) Creation is God’s. We can look around and see this wonderful world and its magnificent beauty. That kind of thoughts is what Paul is talking about. Are you seeing what is lovely in what God has made and done?

Purity & Heaven

Purity of heart and pure religion will get us to eternal life. Let us make sure we are seeking purity in our lives in every area. The pure in heart shall see God. (Matt. 5:8) Let us all seek to see God. That is our goal on this earth. We must become pure, stay pure, and offer up spiritual sacrifices. Do not let the world convince you otherwise.

Pure To The Core

     We often confuse a good reputation and purity. A good reputation is not the same thing as purity. (Matt. 23:27-28) A good reputation is focused on your outside action and appearances. You can present anything in a nice package. Purity is about the core of man. Out of the depths of man should come our good deeds. From the pure comes pure things. Being pure will earn you a good reputation. Having a good reputation does not mean you are pure. That is why we must be pure in heart. (Matt. 12:34-35) It is our wellspring of goodness. If we are not pure we cannot give off good. Be careful to not seek a good reputation. Seek a pure heart and purity. Then let the good reputation come from that.  

Washed From Filth

As a Christian purity includes the name of God being above all else. (Mal. 1:11) For us to stay cleansed from the filth of this world, God’s name must be great among all nations. That very concept, when fully grasped, is how we become pure. We come to recognize the omnipotence of God and bend to His will. We are purified when we are willing and obedient. (Isa. 1:18-19) We are purified when we obey the truth, God’s word. (I Pet. 1:22-23) We are washed from the filth when we accept the reality of our state and do what God commands to be done to change it. Be washed. (I Pet. 3:21) Stay washed. (I John 1:5-10)                                    

Spiritual Sacrifices

We are God’s workmanship created in Christ. (Eph. 2:10) We have a work and purpose. We must strive for purity for we offer up spiritual sacrifices. (I Pet. 2:5) When we are pure we see purely. Those that are not pure see sharp judgement. (2 Sam. 22:27) To the pure all things are pure. (Titus 1:15) There is a danger of being  pure in our own eyes and still not be washed from filth. (Prov. 30:12) That is a dangerously misguided way to live. We must be pure in all ways not just our own eyes. We must maintain purity to offer up acceptable spiritual sacrifices.

Pure Religion

We care about the purity of our water. We magnify the need for pure air. We seek pure foods. We want pure internet connection. We desire pure video and audio files. Purity is preached everywhere in our lives in today’s American culture. Still the essential aspect of life that must be pure is overlooked. Pure religion is essential. Jesus had it. He taught it. God desires for us to have it. Let’s make sure we have pure religion. (James 1:27) For those that have a pure heart get to see God. (Matt. 5:8) God paid the price for us to be pure. Let us be pure.   

You and I

       Justice is a serious matter. It is an important attribute for Christians. Being just is essential to receive the promise of heaven. Although the world may not understand we must maintain justice in our lives at every turn. The small things show us capable or incapable of the big things. Be wise and just in all areas of your life. Then you will be ready for every moment that may come. It will take work, effort and sacrifice. The reward is worth every bit of the work and pain.           


      We often overlook the concept of justice. Justice is a very serious topic that should be in our daily thoughts. Justice is a part of the weightier matters of the law. (Matt. 23:23) Justice deserves a seat in our mind right along side mercy and faith. The just shall live by faith. (Heb. 10:38; Hab. 2:4b) The faithful are just. If faith and being just go hand-in-hand then why do we neglect justice? The one whom we serve and owe our life as a debt is called the “Just One.” (Acts 7:52) Let us daily think on justice.                                                                            ...

Honesty & That Other Thing

2 Cor. 4:1-2 We do not address it near as much as we should. Let us call attention to it right now. The “hidden things of shame” dishonesty and much more can ruin your life. Be careful to make sure that your life is void of such atrocities. We need to make sure we have renounced them in our lives. Make sure to pray that the saints may live honorable lives. (Heb. 13:18) Pray that honesty be on the tip of all the kingdoms tongues. Let us be sure to pray for those in authority so that we may live lives that reflect traits such as honesty. (1 Tim. 2:1-2)

Honesty In Me

Acts 6:3 Every Christian should be known for honesty. The first deacons possessed honesty. Honesty is encompassed in a good reputation. You cannot separate the two. We must have regard for good things in the sight of all men. (Rom. 12:17)  When we do not we cannot be a light. If we are not a light people will not see our good works and praise God. (Matt. 5:16) We must provide honorable things in the sight of both the Lord and men. (2 Cor. 8:21) We are called by honesty and truth, to the Lord. We serve the most honest being in the universe. We must reflect such honesty in our lives.


Luke 8:15 We see by the parable of the sower those that are good soil react. They react to the truth by keeping it and bearing fruit. They did this with a noble and good heart. This a powerful picture that is painted with few words. They must have been honest to have such great success.  There had to be honesty for the truth is honest. We often use “white” lies to soften the blow. Practicing such communication is not honesty.   Let us be as honest as the word.                                                                                       ...

The Truth Under Suppression

Many knowingly suppress the truth.  Some ignorantly suppress the truth. Both cases suppress the truth in unrighteousness.  (Rom. 1:18c) They twist what God has made into a god. People then bow down to worship God’s creation.  By man’s own wisdom they make the truth a lie and a lie the truth.  (Rom. 1:19-23) To take on such an action is to play with fire. God will come one day and take care of such people. ( 2 Thess. 1:8) No one wants to be on that side of God when that day comes. May you and I bask in truth and refuse to suppress it.

The Truth

The truth will last forever. (Prov. 12:19) The truth came to us the same way grace did. We obtain both by Christ. (John 1:17) If we continue in the truth we will live for eternity. (John 14:1-6) If we evade our responsibility to the truth, we evade Heaven. (John 18:38a) Let us live and worship in truth. (John 4:24) When we do we obtain the promise that God gives to all who abide in Him.

God's Word

John 17:17 say’s “Your word is truth.” This is an extremely powerful statement. Along with the fact that sanctification comes by truth.  Many people struggle to find truth and “reality.” Few people search for sanctification.  The truth can set us free. (John 8:32) If we love the truth we can have salvation. (2 Thess. 2:9-13).  The truth is also able to shield us. (Psalm 91:4c) All men seek freedom, salvation, and protection. God’s word is where it is found.   Why would we seek for it anywhere else?

The Truth & I

God cannot lie. (Titus 1:2) Satan is the father of lies. (John 8:44)  Which of these two categories describe us? God tells us to not bear false witness against our neighbor. (Ex. 20:16) God commands us to gird our waist with the truth. (Eph. 6:14a) We are to purchase truth and not sell it. (Prov. 23:23a)  God’s intention for us is to live in the truth. If we abide in the truth we are God’s. If we live in lies we belong to Satan. Who do you belong to?

The Price of Peace

Peace and harmony is not at any price. The world today preaches and teaches such nonsense. Peace at any cost means we all must sacrifice and have no stance on anything. This is not possible. Not to mention the logical concept to this is that someone must be the bully. Someone, who is not truly seeking peace, demands you to be at peace with them. God teaches us that by our very faithful existence we will cause strife. (Matt. 10:34-39) We are commanded to reject those that dismiss peace. We are to warn them and exhort them to change. If they choose not to, then we must reject them. (Titus 3:9-11) None of the Biblical teachings give us even the inclination that God wants us to seek peace at all cost.                              

Peace Is A Commitment

As people of peace we should be committed to it. Look at Abraham. He showed his commitment through compromise. (Gen. 13:5-12) We need to go as far as we can to maintain peace.  We must go as far as is necessary, without sacrificing righteousness, to keep peace. (Matt. 5:39-40) We cause our own strife. It comes from our own desires for pleasure. This draws out all kinds of discord.  We should be committed enough to peace to draw near to God to cleanse our hands and hearts. (James 4:1-8)   We must be willing to make sacrifices for peace. (1 Cor. 6:7; Rm. 14:13) We must be willing to be wrong for peace. We must be willing to be cheated for peace. We must be willing to be the weaker brother. We need to do this less we put a stumbling block in our brother’s way. We do not want our brethren to fall because of our inability to maintain peace. 

Harmony Comes From the Prince of Peace

We serve the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) Not only do we serve Him, but we are clothed by Him. We are to be just like Him. As children of God and co-heirs to the promise that would mean we are to be princes of peace as well. Peacemakers, as we are, wear the title sons of God. (Matt. 5:9) This is all possible because of God. Peace only comes from God. (2 Thess. 3:16)  We were bought and paid for by the Prince of Peace. The Prince of Peace is our head and we are His body. Therefore, peace should come to us easily.  All of this is as God planned. We come to be able to enjoy such a wonderful life by our faith. By faith through our Lord Jesus Christ we receive peace. (Rom. 5:1)


     Christians should be the most easy-going people on this little round planet. We have no reason to worry. We have no burden too great to give to God. We have no pressure that we cannot bear. There is no yoke we cannot negotiate through life with. We should be the most carefree people that have ever lived. When we are burdened with some worldly or fleshly nonsense, we have someone greater than us to handle it.  He wants us to make our request known to Him. He is the reason we are carefree and He can handle any care we have. In prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known to God.  (Phil 4:6) Let us take a moment and talk about our wonderful carefree state.      We have things in the world that burden us. For a country like ours many of us are burdened with great pleasures. Things like what car to get, job to take, and which house is big enough weigh us down.   I know these things should never both...


     Temperance is a strange concept in the culture of today. The world we live in has very little of it. We see it from our eating habits to our hobbies. We want and want it all. This attitude is not physically or spiritually healthy for us. We cannot have extremes in our lives and be balanced.  How temperate are you?      Temperance is a fruit of the Spirit. (Gal. 5:22-23) This means that Christians who have received the indwelling of the Spirit should show temperance in their lives. It is a part of the fruit we bare that shows that we are Christians. If we do not have self-control in our lives, then we are not being Christ-like. ( 1 John 2:6)  If we do not bare temperance in our Christian walk we are not really striving to  be Christians? I know that is a tuff pill to swallow. We must have self-assessment and look into the perfect law of liberty with the intent to live it. God commanded us to have temperance, it is a produ...

Rejoice Always

       We let our minds be filled with things that have no value. We let the ideas of money, business, and grand adventures take over our idle thoughts. Why not strive to make our thoughts into a strong session of growth in Christ? We must let our mind think on godly things. For instance, one thing that needs to captivate our thoughts is rejoicing. We need to be joyful over something good always. God is good and should always be rejoiced over.  What about the blessings He bestows on us? They should cause all of us to rejoice every moment of our lives. We have surrendered our lives over to God through Christ. We have lost ourselves in Christ where we should always rejoice. (Phil. 4:4)  When we did this our names were written in the book of life. (Lk. 10:20) We rejoice because of this. There is sufficient cause for us to always be rejoicing. We should never find ourselves without reason to rejoice in Christ. We should rejoice in the truth. ...

Things That Should Occupy Our Mind

     When we are immersed into Christ our mind set is the most valuable asset we have. It can guide us into a successful Christian walk or quickly lead us astray. Our mind should be on the things that matter most. What are some of those things? We will get to that in the weeks to come. Today we must first ask ourselves what was the mind of Christ?       Christ had one purpose to bring salvation to all mankind. He did this by delivering God’s grace and truth to us. (John 1:17) God so loved the world that He sent His only Son. (John 3:16) This was not by accident. This was not a last-minute attempt to save man out of desperation. It was planned and executed exactly as God planed it and predestined it. (Eph. 1:9-11) When the Word became flesh and dwelt among us He had only this purpose before Him. (John 1:14) The thing is that He was still man. He experienced everything we do. (Heb. 4:15) He also learned obedience the same way we do. (He...

The Indescribable Gift is to be . . .

      The indescribable gift is something to be enjoyed while we live faithfully on this earth (2 Cor. 9:15). There are a great many blessings that are encompassed in this free gift from God through Christ. There are several things we need to consider.      The gift is to be used. How do we use it? You ask. We must do it (John 3:21). We must obey it and hold true to it (2 Thess. 1:8). We must live in it (2 Thess. 2:15; Col. 2:6). If we do not take the truth which Christ brought us and do it, we do not have the blessings here or in the hereafter (John 2:48-50; John 15:9, 10).      The gift is to be enjoyed. There is much to be joyful for. We are dead to sin in Christ (Rom. 6:7). We have newness of life in Christ (Rom. 6:4). We have the Fathers love (John 15:10). We have overcome the world (1 John 5:4). We have a great promise to rejoice over (2 Pet. 1:4). These are just some of the overwhelmingly abundant blessin...