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Giving is Important

  “who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”  (Titus 2:14 NKJV)               You have been blessed. No, do not do it. You did it, didn’t you? You looked around or thought of others and said, “But they have more . . .” Forget that worldly concept of blessings. Blessings are more than material things. They can be love, warmth, friendship, hugs, and more. See, you have been blessed. Others need those blessings too. If you do not give to them, then who will? “The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away” (Dorothy Day). Christ understood that, showed it to us, and taught us that. Giving is extremely important.

Pearl of Great Price

   (Matthew 13:45-46) The pearl of great price presents some valuable lessons. We need to be seeking what is valuable. We need to be willing to pay for it when we find it. Obviously, we are not talking about earthly riches. The Kingdom is the most valuable thing on earth. We need to wake up and realize that all the shiny pretty little things around us are but tin cans compared to eternal life with God. We need to be willing to give up these earthly trinkets. Pearls and treasure peak our interest. Even those images in these parables do not do justice to what awaits God’s children. Will you sell it all for it? You need to.

A little or a lot?

                                                   (Matthew 13:33) We often think that life is full of these enormous events with monstrous changes. The reality is that it’s the little things. Things like making your bed when you wake up or whether you ignored a phone call. Most of the time people are not in a bad mood over an event but a series of events. Just think about it. You wake up, but you’re out of tooth paste. Then you can’t find your socks. The car is low on fuel. Then there is a wreck on the way to work. You missed your morning meeting. By the end of the day with events like this you’re livid. We understand it in that context. Why do we struggle to understand it spiritually. It only takes one “little” sin to cause us to fall from grace. It’s not the day we wake up and come back that it all happened, it’s been happening. The same is true to grow in...

World Changing Faith

Mark 4:30-32 It’s a small faith we have when we become God’s children. That wee little faith can tackle long-standing governments, topple armies, change nations, and bring the world to its knees. It does this because it’s not supposed to stay small. Oh, no! This faith is to grow in the hearts of men to the point it’s the largest thing around. That is for each soul that obeys the gospel.       We are talking about each soul in the kingdom that has the faith to stand against Goliath, Pharaoh, build arks, and die on crosses. That is an incredible thought. It’s breathtaking to think that kind of faith resides in every soul that worships on the first day of the week. Do you have that faith?                                


  A young boy went to sea to find a new world and a new life at an incredibly young age. He wanted to leave the awful life he had behind. He traveled to far off wonderous places and saw things that are only in myths. He was always at the mercy of the seas and the currents that drive them. One day he came about to a port he had not been to before. He left the ship to enjoy the sights and life of the locals as was his custom. This time he fell in love with the place. This little quant sea town was just so pleasant. After years being at sea he felt it was time to leave his sea legs behind. He found a little cottage that overlooked the port town and made him a home. One day he was taking a walk and managed to stroll by the town cemetery. Something caught his eye. It was an old gravestone, but it had a very funny name engraved on it. The man was very perplexed because it was his last name. Under close inspection he realized the truth. It was his family that lay there. Without realizing ...

Government Is For You

Romans 13:4; Acts 23:12-24         Don’t be afraid to call on your government for protection. It is there to take care of those who do good. We may call on this God ordained authority to aid us in our time of danger and threat. It is there to protect the good from evil and punish evil. Don’t be afraid to use your governmental rights to protect you and your family. Do not forsake those freedoms. The use of that liberty may further the gospel while it protects you from the evils of the world.                                                                  

The Mission Of The Son

John 3:14-17 The part of the Godhead, Christ, had a special purpose. He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). He was God in human form and now is God the Son in the transfigured form. He bound Himself in the limits of the flesh to be the sacrifice for our sins (Philippians 2:5-11). His mission was to be our sin sacrifice that we may have salvation by His blood (Revelation 1:5). I am glad He accomplished this mission, aren’t you?                                                                                  

His Authority

 (Matthew 28:18-20) It is by God’s authority given to Christ that we are to spread the word and baptize souls into Christ. If you notice in these verses the Godhead is mentioned. It is into that authority our salvation comes. God is one. All authority comes from Him whether we read that God is the Holy Spirit, Christ, or the Father. Its all the same authority. Christ even says that the Father governs His moves (John 12:48-50). That is an incredibly special and powerful authority that will forever remain unmatched. I’m thankful for that because that authority is where our salvation is found.                                                                       ...

The Godhead

(Romans 1:20) God is the Father creator (Acts 17:23, 29). God is Christ (Colossians 2:8-9). God is the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-4). He is all three in one. I know this can be confusing and it is beyond our understanding in many ways. However, in its basic form we can know that God in one with three parts. Each part has a purpose and work that is both divine and collaborative with all the other parts. God is an amazing God. This thought is just one of many that truly show how great God is. As much as we would like to truly wrap our minds around the deep points of this idea, we just can’t manage it. We are finite and He is not.                                               

Are There Many?

“For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords), yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.” (1 Corinthians 8:5-6) Some people want to believe there are many gods, spirits, and ways to a higher state of being. That is just not the case. There is only One God. There is only one way to heaven. Everything comes from Him. It is futile to think that in our limited state we could create a god better than Him. Not only are all things in Him and we are for Him, but we live through Him. Our wonderful immortal lives are gained and lived only in Him. Why would we want any other God? It just does not make sense to desire anything else.                               ...

What Law?

James 1:25 It is a common thought that we are self-governed in Christianity. That we get to judge for ourselves based on our feelings and own thoughts what we get to do. Since we are Christians and have faith then we must be right. Wrong. We have a law. This is not like the old law. In fact, this is a perfect new law. It is a law that is based on freedom, justification, salvation and forgiveness. It is the perfect law of liberty. This law is found in the New Testament. It is the commands that the Apostles were to teach us to continue in so that Christ can be with us. It is the commands, scriptures, words and or teachings we find in the New Testament. That is the law we now live by. Live by it.      

Why Was The Law Needed

(Galatians 3:19; Colossians 2:14) The Law was added because of our sins. It shows us what sin is. It was to guide God’s people to cleanliness and to maintain that state compared to the world. However, it could not save. Christ saves. Therefore, after the tutor, the law, had fulfilled its usefulness keeping the Lord’s people set apart and scheme of redemption on schedule it was done away. It was fulfilled and replaced by Christ. Since Christ has come and fulfilled and replaced it, we no longer are under it. We can still learn things from it. Don’t bind yourself to something that has been done away with.    

Obey God Over Men

" saying,  “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine,  and intend to bring this Man’s  blood on us!”  But Peter and the   other   apostles answered and said:   “We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:28-29    We are not to obey the government unconditionally. The government is purposed by God. However, it must stay in the boundaries. If it does not, we are not bound by it. For example, the government cannot make us stop worshiping God. If it tries to we must obey God. The government cannot make us stop doing the Lords work. If it tries to we must obey God. We are to obey the laws of the land. The government has a job. We obey the authority over us until it begins to reject God’s authority. When that happens, we must obey God and not men. 

God Given Government

Romans 13:1-7 Our government is ordained by God. God has given certain liberty and power to those who rule over us. This is not done without the over sight of God. We need to be in subjection to it and its laws. When we are in subjection to our authorities we are in subject to God. We need to realize government’s place in our lives. We need to note its purpose. It may be difficult to subject yourself to certain laws. That difficulty just makes you a stronger Christian. Always remember that everything you do needs to be done in the name of Christ and unto Him. That labor is never in vain.                                                                                                                  ...

My True Love

Church, we either love God or we hate Him. We either love sin or we hate it. We know which side we stand on by which one we choose to serve. It is impossible to serve two masters. You will always love one and hate the other. Whose servant are you? Does your work and fruit reflect that?   (Luke 16:13)                                                                                                                                          ...

The Servant of Servants

  Jesus was a servant of servants. He washed the feet of the apostles. He was trying to explain to them, as He is to us, that we are to be servants. We are not to elevate ourselves at any time. We have no right or authority to make ourselves better than others. We have every right to make ourselves a servant to all. (John 13:1-17) Those who do right and as God says while Christ is away are the faithful and wise servants. It is easy to play while the Master is away. It takes a true servant to continue to serve while no one is there to hold him accountable. Always remember when Christ, our Master, comes back everyone will receive their due wages. Are you working while you wait? (Matt. 24:45-51)                                                  ...

Have Mercy

      We are never in a place where we are merciless. We have been shown so much mercy by our Master. We need to make sure we express the same mercy to our fellow servants. We are not above another in any way, shape, or form. We simply have duties and roles to perform. (Matthew 18:21-35) Judgment is wrong. We can righteously judge. That is, we can evaluate others' lives based on the word and go to their aid when they are struggling. However, the final judgment call is by our Master. God makes that ruling on judgment day. Be careful lest you be found making the final judgment on someone. (Romans 14:4)                                                                          

Choices, Choices, Choices

Freedom comes by choice. You can choose whom you obey. We are set free from our worldly master, sin, when we obey the Lord. Therefore, we can no longer be in subjection to our old master. (Romans 6:17; 1-2) Although we are slaves there is a payday coming. There is a reward for your service in everything we do. We just may not like it. We are rewarded in serving sin with eternal death. We are rewarded in serving God with eternal life in heaven. What is your reward? (Romans 6:23) What will you choose?   

The Lowly Hired Hand

      We have an issue with understanding servants in our American culture. We do not really have anything that fits this bill any more. We pay our help. Yeah, those people that do the work we do not want to do are the modern servants. We are to be like them. No matter how high we may feel we are, we are never above another. Always humble your selves before each other. (Luke 18:9-14) We choose whom we serve. We serve the thing or things we subject ourselves to. We serve the thing we let rule our lives. We serve the thing we obey. Whatever you obey becomes your Master. Is there something in your life besides God that you are in subjection to ? (Romans 6:16) This means you are the “hired help” to whom ever you choose to serve. Be careful with your thoughts and always be willing to do the “dirty job.” 

Obedient (John 14:15)

It has always perplexed me that a parent desires a level of obedience from their children that they refuse to give to God. Children are taught to obey. They must to stay alive. Many of our rules we enforce are about safety. We have rules to follow for them to be healthy. We have rules to follow for them to be a good citizen. We have rules that are for their benefit and they must obey them. God does the same thing for us. (John 8:31-32; James 1:25; 2 Thess. 1:8)  Perhaps, we should obey Him as our children obey us.                        

The Humility of a Child - (Matt. 5:5; 18:4)

Humility is not self-derogation. Humility is not self-exaltation. Humility is putting another before yourself.  It is being understanding of self worth but not considering yourself better than others. Children cannot see their own greatness but the greatness of others. That is why parents and family need to encourage them. They learn their value from us. We learn our value from God. (John 3:16) This does not elevate us but helps us to understand that we need to lift others up always. We also need to get out of the way. There is no room in God’s kingdom for the prideful.                                   

Desire What Is Right (Matt. 5:6)

Children desire to do what is right. They do all they can to be good and please those who are over them. We need to do the same thing in Christ. Christ is righteous. (1 John 2:1) We are clothed in Him and He is in us. (Gal. 3:27; 1 Cor. 3:16) We are to live and be just like He was on earth. (1 John 2:6) We need to seek what is right always. (Rom. 6:19) We need to understand that we are indebted to God in Christ to not only do what is right but desire what is right. That very desire is what caused us to obey the word. Seek what is right to please God.