Ephesians 5:2
We live our lives because Christ paid the price we could not pay. We walk in love because of that sweet-smelling sacrifice that Christ offered. We rejoice because we have salvation in Him. We are full of joy because His truth set us free. It’s the fact that we can know we are saved, that we are in Him, and we have the eternal life that causes us to celebrate (1 John 5:20). God’s word is truth (John 17:17). Truth is a shield and buckler for us (Psalm 91:4c). Along with the freedom we have in God, by His mercy through Christ, this too should cause joy to permeate through our bodies. It is lies that cause significant pain, grieving and death (Genesis 37:31-35; 1 Kings 21:7-10). Lies suck the joy out of the love that we have for the Lord. Its destructive nature causes us tremendous heartache. God condemns lying and calls it an abomination for such reasons (Revelation 21:8; Proverbs 6:16-17). His wrath is poured out against those who suppress the truth (Romans 1:18c). Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that truth brings His creation, us, great joy! The truth that He gives us brings such overwhelming blessings that it snuffs out the evils that hurt our happiness. The love God desires for us rejoices in the truth
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