There were wise
and prized citizens that came to be Christians. Queen Candace’s treasurer (Acts
8:27) and Sergius Paulus the proconsul of Crete (Acts 13:6-12) were among them.
A mighty judge of Athens, Dionysius the Areopagite became apart of the body (Acts 17:34). Synagogue rulers Crispus and Sosthenes became Christians
(Acts 18:8 &17). Women of nobility in Berea and Thessalonica were immersed
(Acts 17:4 & 12). They were not treated any different (Deut. 10:17
& Acts 10:34). God shows no partiality. God does not value a person the way the world does. We shouldn't either. We are all
children of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:26-29, Col. 3:8-11).
Do you create walls
between you and others based on status?
Do you deem worth in the body by ones social appearance?
Does social status give one prime choice in your body?
Are you showing partiality?
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