We often think of security in terms of our homes, finances,
jobs, and personal information. How much thought have you given to your
spiritual security? Jude warns the brethren to “contend earnestly for the faith
which was once for all delivered to the saints”. (Jude 3) We are
told to fight the good fight of faith. (1 Tim. 6:12) How secure are we?
Security in man is faulty. We know that some men turn
the “grace of our God into lewdness” (Jude 4) They deny the only Lord God and
our Jesus Christ. We know some will preach what we want to hear. (2 Tim
4: 3-4) Some will teach fallacy out of fear of persecution. (Gal. 6:12) We are
to guard ourselves from useless talk and subjects that bring no profit. Often
time much attention to such things leads us to commit error as well. (1 Tim.
6:20-21) We have no security in man. By the verses we have no security in
ourselves either. We are sinners and fall short all the time. (Rom. 3:23; 1
John 2:8-10) Our security is not in man and what man teaches. They lead us a
stray all the time, if we let them. How secure are we? How can we stand firm in
this type of mess?
A man who received great persecution for his faith, the
truth, the work of the Lord, and for the cross said it best. Paul said,
“But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me,” (2 Tim. 4:17) The Lord is
where our security is. He said he would be there. Jesus said he would be with
us always. (Matt. 28:20) He is. God took care of Paul for the sake of the work
and his service. (2 Tim. 4:17) Just like Christ said if we do what He has asked
He will be with us. Such preaching and teaching by Paul saved his life. It shut
the mouths of the lions in the amphitheater. It shut their mouths because
the gentiles believed him and he never entered the results of the rejection of
Christians of the time. The work was Paul’s security. (1 Pet. 3:15-16) The Lord
was Paul’s security. It is ours as well.
Our security is in God. He has given us His word to dwell
in us richly. (Col. 3:16-17) He will always be there for us. Evil will not over
take us. He will preserve us for heaven. (2 Tim. 4:18) When we do His work He
is with us and strengthens us. (Phil. 4:13) We are even protected by the
spreading of His word. Be secure in your faith knowing that when you walk in
the light Christ is with you.
Be secure in God’s word never changing and being
true. Be secure in the promises of God. Be secure that God will always be
there. Our security is in our Creator. Don’t let your security rest on
things that pass away. If you do you may pass away from eternal life as well.
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