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     There are many ways to learn. There are many things we can know and be in the know about. Having scripture committed to memory is important. Having strong knowledge of what the word says is essential. The other major part of Christianity is applying God’s word to your life.      It is always an intriguing moment when I hear a member of the body say “I don’t know if I agree with that” or something to that affect. What makes that even more intriguing is if something like this happens right after a solid sermon, gospel meeting, and or Bible class on this subject. What are they really saying? It is often hard to assess such a statement. How can you come to such a conclusion especially when we just spent a designated amount of time studying it? There are an endless amount of questions and thoughts that are brought up from such a biblically uneducated statement. The statement is not from the lack of learning, being able to hear, and understa...

How Can I Encourage You?

We must encourage each other.  We can encourage each other in many ways.  Each way we encourage each other is essential to our success.  We are brothers and sisters in Christ.  While we are gravely concerned with our own success in Christ we ought to have the same concern for our brethren.  We show that concern by edifying, exhorting, encouraging, and admonishing one another.  We are one body.  We must strive to get the whole body to heaven. One way we can encourage each other is in our faith.  We need to keep each other exhorted in the faith we have received.  We need to study with one another keeping ourselves rooted in the faith.  We need to exhort an active faith in all the brethren.  We should be encouraging a limitless faith in our brothers and sisters.  We need to recall the purpose and bases of our faith for one another.  Daily encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ!  They need it and so do yo...

Obedience and Reconciliation

The blessing of reconciliation has been poured forth for all who hear and obey.   Some like to hang their hat on the concept that reconciliation is for all who “hear and feel”. The covenant was made and the sacrifice was given. We must enter that covenant and receive the reconciliation that is given by it the way God wants it to be done. We cannot change it to fit our needs. There are four terms to this covenant reconciliation. Faith in Christ and His blood as propitiatory which come by hearing. (Rom. 3:24-35; 10:14-17) Repentance of sins and repentance towards God. (Luke 24:46,47; Acts 2:38, 3:19,20:21) Confession of the deity and Lordship of Christ (Rom. 10:9-10, Phil. 2:9-11) Baptism (1 Pet. 3:21; John 3:3-5; Acts 8:36-38) Although many would like to argue different this is what God has spoken. Therefore, as God has spoken let it be done.   We must quit trying to transform God’s words to fit our personal gain. We feel based on what we come to learn. We c...


The concept of being carefree is often ridiculed. Often times it is the lack of ability to understand a carefree mindset that brings on such persecution. Christians are to exemplify what it means to be carefree in our lives. We have something greater than us to handle the cares of this world. It is often the simple things in this life that cause most of our anxieties. Things like food, clothes, housing, work, and money can easily cause great destress for us. (Matt. 6:31-32) We are told to make known our request to God. Through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we need to go to God with our concerns. (Phil. 4:6) If we don’t then those things will take over. Those types of worries are the thorns that took over the seed in the parable of the sower. (Mk. 4:18-19) That is why Martha was rebuked. She was troubled over the things of this world and not the truth. (Lk. 10:38-42) We must be careful and not let such cares rule our lives. God did not intend such things to govern our li...

Christ Centered

      All our lives are driven by something.  We get to choose what motivates us through every day. If it is the world or the flesh we will earn the reward for that life lived. If it is Christ we will receive a crown of life. How do we have a Christ centered life? There are several aspects that need to take place for you to have a Christ centered life. There is one thing that is a must. You must get out of the way.      We have to follow Christ (Matt. 16:24). How can we follow someone else and do what we want? You cannot accomplish such a task. We must get out of the way. We must crucify ourselves. We must dethrone ourselves from our life. It is Christ who lives in us (Gal. 2:20). We are subject to Christ who is our head (Eph. 5:24). We must let Christ rule our lives in every area. We must let Him direct our footsteps. This covers everything from our job choice to what we eat. I know that seems like a lot. We are made from the dust...

The Little Things

          The little things in life make all the difference.  Sometimes little words of encouragement make you feel like you can climb mountains.  The little habits in life can determine whether we are successful or we fail.  As Christians those little things or those little habits make all the difference.         Paul says pray continually (I Thess. 5:17).  We know that we should not forsake the assembly (Heb. 10:25).  We know we need to study the scriptures daily (Acts 17:11; Col. 3:16).  We understand that we should steadfastly serve God daily (Heb. 3:14).  Those things seem very simple but they have a huge impact on our life.  Those simple things mold us and grow us into becoming stronger and better Christians (I Thess. 5:16-22).         Now there are things that we should not do (I Cor. 15:33).  Things like forsaking ...


      We have to do something to be something. We exercise everything from math skills to our muscles. We like the idea of exercise. There are goals and victory markers in our exercise routines. We center a lot of our lives around exercise. We exercise what we learn in school for twelve or more years. We exercise our skills at work daily. We exercise in many different ways. How much exercising do we do with our faith?       Exercise is important but it is of little gain when in the flesh. However, spiritual exercise is of great benefit. That great benefit being heaven. We need to educate ourselves to the restraint of our passions, lusts, and worldly ambitions, and to the use of our faith. (1 Tim. 4:7) The places we tend to exercise in most are passing away. The things we train in most will come to an abrupt end. Godliness will not end. Train yourself with strenuous effort unto godliness.  Godliness is more than just inward hol...


       We often think of security in terms of our homes, finances, jobs, and personal information. How much thought have you given to your spiritual security? Jude warns the brethren to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”. (Jude 3)   We are told to fight the good fight of faith. (1 Tim. 6:12) How secure are we?       Security in man is faulty.  We know that some men turn the “grace of our God into lewdness” (Jude 4) They deny the only Lord God and our Jesus Christ.  We know some will preach what we want to hear. (2 Tim 4: 3-4) Some will teach fallacy out of fear of persecution. (Gal. 6:12) We are to guard ourselves from useless talk and subjects that bring no profit. Often time much attention to such things leads us to commit error as well. (1 Tim. 6:20-21) We have no security in man. By the verses we have no security in ourselves either. We are sinners and fall...

His Passion

       We are passionate about   many things. We love sports, food, hobbies, and things. We are about to enter a season in this culture were lines are drawn. Football in America splits, families, the works place and friends. Some of us wont see many of our friends on Saturdays for months. Why? We root for opposing teams and we are passionate about it.   We are zealous for many things in this world. What if you had that same zeal and passion for something else? What if your passion was the same as Gods?        Christ showed us what His Fathers passion was. (John 3:16) Christ showed us He   lived off the passion of God. (John 4:34)   Christ shared that passion. (Lk. 19:10) Christ died for the passion of His father. (John 19:30) Christ never guessed what He was to be about. He never walked through life being passionate about frivols things that here today and gone tomorrow. (1 John 2:17) We are to be lik...


Oh, how expectations way us down.     They keep us from seeing our potential and our talents. They make us want to be like “so and so”. Then we become stuck and unhappy. At the least we feel that way. God says we are all different. We are members of one body. (1 Cor. 12:12-14) That body has a great deal of members in it. Those members far exceed the number we see on Sunday morning. The body of Christ is world wide.   Yet not all of those members are the same. They can’t be. (1 Cor. 12:15-17) If the body was all the same nothing would every get done. Well, maybe one thing would. That would be the only thing that ever got done. God has given out talents to each member has He needed it to be. (1 Cor.12:18-19) You have a place. It may not be the place you want it to be. You may not realize your place. You have a place. (1 Cor. 12:20-27) Your place is extremely important. You knowing that place is essential. You knowing your talents is key to the work and your ...

Walking In The Light

            “What is walking in the light?” in reference to 1 John 1:5-10.  1 John 2:6 lets us know that if we say we abide in Him we ought to walk just as He walked. Christ tell us He is the light. (John 8:12) Therefore, we must follow Him and walk like Him to be in the light. (John 12:35-36) Hebrews 5:8 and John 4:34 lets us know that Christ walked in obedience to God.  John 12:48-50 in conjunction with Matt. 28:18-20 lets us know that we have to receive and keep Christ’s commands. We have to keep and receive Christ’s commands just like He did the Fathers. (Phil. 2:5-11) We can confirm this with Revelation 20:11-15. Where the small and great are judge according to their works by the things written in the books, the bible. Matthew 25:31-46 shows us what judgment will look like and be like.  Christ is the author of eternal life for all those who obey Him. (Heb. 5:9) Walking in the light is walking i...

Live Looking Up!

Acts 1:9-11             When Christ   was taken up into heaven the eleven were steadfastly looking toward heaven as He went up. Then two angels appear and let it be known that “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into Heaven.”   Then they went on. They went on in one accord in prayer and supplication. (Acts 1:14) The rest of the story   is what we are interested in. Looking up is what we are to do with out lives. (Col. 3:1-4) Christ came to earth to bring grace and truth. (John 1:17) He went home to prepare a place for us, baptized believers. (John 14:1-4)   He is coming back. (Acts 1:11, John 14:3-4, Col.3:4)   Now what? I don’t think we realize this next concept much in our everyday life. There is a life to be lived in between our time of cleansing and our resurrection, or death. For some it could be a day, for others a life time....

Life is Short

         We have no idea when Christ will come back. We have some idea of how long we could live. The reality of it all is our time on earth is short. We have a limited amount of time to live and work. God has given us a task to save souls and live faithfully.        Save souls. We don’t know when you or I or they will die! So get out there. The day of judgement is undetermined. The day of our death is not known to us. Don’t squander away preciouses time. We let life, sin, pride get in the way. (1 John 2:15-17) Those things drive us. They drive us to get out of bed, get to work, and make money. That’s not how its supposed to be. In the end does it mater how big your house is? Whether you had steak or a PB &J for dinner? What car you drove? Where you worked? How much you accomplished in the worlds eyes? No! In the end it is about weather or not you stayed faithful. (Rev. 2:10) In the end it’s about wh...

Piercings of A Sword

           Let your words be filled with kindness and encouragement. Let them be the words of the wise that bring refreshment or healing to another. Speak with gentleness and in a manner that comforts others. Words matter. Be careful to not just babble without thought or reflection.  That type of speech can be dangerous and cause a great deal of harm. This type of speech is reserved for the foolish.  From the inmost man comes our words and thoughts. Let them not defile us. Let us glorify God by our speech and our speech be out of holiness. "There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, But the tongue of the wise promotes health.” Proverbs 12:18 "So Jesus said, “Are you also still without understanding?    Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For ou...

Cultural Niches Do Not Make You A Christian

          Now day’s it seems the world revolves around marketed themed ideas. Especially these most recent generations in the church. They seem to have their faith bond by these trends. Anything from coffee and Comfort Color tee’s to Chaco’s, Eno’s and tattoos. Yet God’s word and faith has nothing to do with any of that. I suppose it has been this way for generations. Just look in the church. What is consider “nice church cloths” shows its extreme variants every Sunday morning.   Somehow, John the Baptist, a mountain man of sorts for is his time, was still able to do God’s work. Wearing camel hair, a leather belt around his waist and eating locusts and wild honey he prepared the way for Christ. (Matt. 3:4) John the Baptist did not command that you had to dress like him to follow Christ. He did not set any trends in fashion or marketable ideas either.         I have yet to see in scripture that those...