The hot topic here lately is woman's roles in the church. I know that can be an argumentative issue for many Christians. I would say the pursuit of broadening woman's roles in the church is not the issue. Just like sin is not the issue in our lives. It goes much deeper for sin is a product of our own evil desires ( James 1:12-15 ). The evil desires is the issue. We use it to fulfil things that we don't want God to fill or don't think God can fill. With this topic of woman's roles in the church the issues is much deeper. The issue is lack of bible knowledge ( 1 Cor. 15:33-34 ). Knowing the truth is where freedom is. Abiding in His word is how we are His disciples ( John 8:31-32 ). Not binding yourself by His word means you can do what you want. It wont glorify God but hey you got what you wanted. I know that is a rough way to say that but it’s true. We may not outright admit to such a line of thinking but we show it in our actions, ...
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